Comments on: The NSA is just one malware writer out of thousands Straight-talking security advice from the Malware Experts Sat, 27 Jun 2015 06:37:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: musicmugger Sat, 27 Jun 2015 06:37:00 +0000 In reply to Philip.

The American companies are not listed probably because, just like Face book, Google, Linked-in, Yahoo, and the list goes on, they are freely handing over all our information to the NCA, and GCHQ, the American puppet (UK government). So nothing would surprise me, We are already aware that the likes of Google have spent millions on perfecting their harvesting system, originally for targeting use for pointed advertising, Face book do the same, but as is always the case with corporation, when big brother offers a financial, or jump the queue incentive, everyone becomes the government’s best friend, and the man in the street, just another statistic, and yes, they also scream the loudest in outrage, when they are discovered. Angela Merkel being an example when it was announced by Snowden that her private phone was being tapped, and then everything goes into stealth mode after a visit from the right person in the White House. Now she works with the NSA, or her security service does, and the pending court case, just disappeared, due to lack of evidence.
Hats off to Emsisoft, I’ve used this company for years, and I thing it goes from strength to strength.

By: Philip Wed, 24 Jun 2015 19:18:00 +0000 “Notably omitted are the American anti-virus brands McAfee and Symantec and the British company Sophos.”

Congratulations for being on the list. I consider it a badge of honour! I’m slightly jealous.
They mention the British Sophos, which I remember from small businesses and some U.S. antivirus companies as not being spied on because blah blah. That is fine because that is what the document said. I would have liked some other companies to be on the list because it smears them with the same brush as Sophos, and some U.S. antivirus companies,when in reality they did not make the list just because they did not make the list.
