Comments on: 2016 Recap: Internet security trends and developments Straight-talking security advice from the Malware Experts Fri, 18 Nov 2022 12:23:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mangalore Cafe Mon, 16 Jan 2017 09:38:00 +0000 Where do they ask the money to be deposited? It has to be a bank account. Then why are they not caught. Maybe not if they ask ransom from a common man but from a company definitely they can traced and caught.
I think this is why bitcoin become popular its backed by all these hackers and criminals. They need an untraceable currency.
Otherwise I was always wondering how did “play money”(that is what bit coin was. gaming money that became mainstream. Gamers buy gaming money paying real money, while some gamers played well and earned that money. So some smart gamer dude most probably like the gaming store decided to take gaming money instead of real money because he knew there were enough people to pay him cash and he obviously made a profit. Like if 1000 Gaming money cost 10$ to buy through the game. The gaming store guy gave something costing 3or 5$ for 1000 Gaming money and then would have sold it for 7$ or even 10$. This is how bitcoin evolved when there were enough people ready to buy this online gaming money for less that they would have to pay to buy it from game developers). become so popular and you had so many people talking like it was real money and the future of money. Now we know these scamsters are behind it.

By: Robert Negut Sat, 31 Dec 2016 12:20:00 +0000 Definitely true about support going above and beyond and being really leagues away from what one has come to expect from support anywhere.
Must say that rather only applies to what support can actually do though, as once it’s a matter that needs to be sorted out by devs, fixes may take a very long time and changes seem to probably never happen, or if anything are made in the opposite direction.
On that note, my top wishlist item remains the same: Separating between definitions and program updates, and prompting on program updates and the ability to refuse/delay until you’re good and ready for it, preferably also with the ability to say don’t notify again for a certain amount of time going up to at least a full day. (As for the argument that sometimes definition handling changes, there must be some leeway since you have the beta/stable/delayed streams, and if it comes to a point where a newer version is required that can be added as a message, notifying the user they will no longer get definitions updates either until they do the program update, which is still a choice.) No longer requiring a system restart for a program update is great, but really don’t want updates to such a major system component whenever it feels like it. Those must only happen when I choose to let them happen, period, no ifs or buts. The main reason I said I’ll never touch Win10 after all.
Past that, still want a reversal of the auto game mode introduced in 11.8 or whenever it was (for me, being on delayed, it was when 11.10 was pushed on that stream as well). Yes, it is good that you can disable the changes applied, but not enough. If you want to make it load an alternate configuration when certain conditions are met instead of only manually, allow the conditions to be set by the user, with “whenever an application is in full screen” as default but also being able to load it when specific applications are running even when not in full screen, or (if that default is disabled) only when specific applications are running in full screen, or of course never, manual only as it used to be. And then if you want to go even further, make this alternate configuration a full alternate configuration, in case somebody for example wants to lower or disable file guard or behavior analysis when something very resource-intensive is running, or for the IS in case someone wants a certain program to get full network access when running and therefore would set the alternate configuration firewall to block anything except it. But first order of business, make it possible to get back to manual only, thanks!
And now the third thing showed up since v12, with scanning taking twice as long. Granted, see improvements to that listed, but being on delayed they didn’t get to me yet, but this is something that can be handy at any point really and I just thought of it after v12 hit because that’s when a scan ended up taking about 1h and it was an issue: An option to not update while scan is in progress would be useful.

By: joseph von braun Fri, 30 Dec 2016 08:46:00 +0000 As a computer user since 1995 I went through many antivirus programs.
Now last 3 years I am with Emsisoft and without wasting many words can just say
You people in Emsisoft are unreal,not only that your program is very good in all aspects whats more and most important you do CARE.
I wish all of you Happy NEW YEAR 2017 and to all your fans as you say MALWARE-FREE YEAR !
