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LinkedIn Lawsuit: Mining Email Contact Lists | Emsisoft Blog

By: xây dựng nhà trọn gói Sun, 23 Apr 2017 11:24:26 +0000 xây dựng nhà trọn gói

LinkedIn Lawsuit: Mining Email Contact Lists | Emsisoft Blog

By: Bruce Perry Mon, 30 Jun 2014 06:28:00 +0000 I would be glad to volunteer to be a lead plaintiff. They are quite abusive. And many false lies are presented to people saying such and such a person recommended them for some task or other. I even had an email from a former White House speechwriter I know who supposedly recommended me for doing copyediting. I blogged for a few years at this gentleman’s blog and although I am quite good at editing when I need to be, I am nowhere near qualified to be a copyeditor which is a highly specialized job that too many newspapers and other publications have done away with since news is expected to be put out so fast. So we get inferior journalism by people who are sometimes idiots. If I were to write for a newspaper today, I would want a copy editor.Although I am quite good as a writer [except when I am writing in certain modes of creative writing where one writes as fast as one can to pour out ideas and ignores spelling, and any attempt at good copy as the exercise is meant to get ones thoughts on paper as fast as possible and looks terrible but is meant to stir creative processes. I am sure some of our spies have seen those and thought they were the work of a drunk raving idiot. Which would be expected of those who are idiots about the craft of writing. During those freeform mind melts my writing is terrible but as as one of the best copyeditors in the business once told me, whe I pay attention, I am a very good speller. But I am eminently unqualified for the specialized job of copyediting.
And I know that what LinkedIn claimed that my friend the former White House speech write who supposedly recommended me doing copyediting is an out and out lie and deceptive to employers as well. And employers are the ones who pay. They deserve better. And so do I. I don’t want to have people looking me up to do a job I cannot do. it would waste my time and theirs. And that is a disservice to the community Linkedin is supposed to serve.
