Hit by ransomware?

We're here to fix that.

Use our free ransomware decryption tools to unlock your files without paying the ransom

Please note that these free tools are provided as-is and without warranty of any kind. The tools may only work with specific ransomware versions, and may not work with versions that were released after a tool was created. Technical support for the tools is available only to customers using a paid Emsisoft product.

[May, 1, 2019] - Version:

ZQ decryptor

ZQ Ransomware encrypts victim's files using the Salsa20 and RSA-1024 algorithms, and adds the extension ".[[email protected]].zq" or ".[[email protected]].ws" to files. The ransom note "{HELP__DECRYPT}.txt" asks the victim to contact the email address "[email protected]".

The text of the ransom note can found below:

All of _our files are encr_pted* to decr_pt them write me to email::[email protected]
Your key:
